
Gideon Contractors have been Stabilising soils and aggregates since 2002. John Giddy the managing director has over 40 years of stabilising experience, with all types of soils and aggregates. This knowledge combined with the various different binders available today, (Cement, Lime, KOBM, Foam Bitumen) puts Gideon Contractors in a good position to advise clients on potential cost savings on all types of projects from fill drying, stabilisation of subgrades, insitu pavements, and pavement overlays.

With a growing focus on budgets, sustainability issues and emissions this brings increasing benefits to soil stabilisation including;

  • Reduced project costs
  • Lower cost in dump fees / Less imported aggregates or fill / Less construction traffic
  • Converts weak fill to usable material.
  • Reduced susceptibility to swelling and shrinkage
  • Site works can carry on over the winter period
  • Reduced project duration
  • Increased pavement strengths
  • Longer pavement life
  • Suitability for stockpiling and subsequent reuse
  • Less local construction traffic – reduced CO2 omissions